Andrico Karoulla

A developer who is...

WebGL animation showing slow moving waves

Fullstack with 8+ years experience and specialises in the frontend

Passionate about building interesting and accessible web experiences

Eager to explore and experiment while leaning on fundamental browser technologies

I’ve been part of community groups and contribute to open source. I am product-focused and believe working closely with users is key to building excellent software. I create a strong frontend culture wherever I work through mentoring, running workshops, and clear documentation.

I’ve even worked at one of the country’s best Fish and Chip shops, but that’s probably not why you’re here.


Here's a shortlist of my notable work and projects. You can view my CV if you're interested in my full work history.


Anima is a platform that turns Figma designs into code that matches a codebase's conventions. Anima offers Figma extensions, VSCode extensions, web apps, and more. While at Anima I worked across the stack, including their frontend platforms, design system, and the design-to-code algorithm.

Ask me about how I created a rule-based algorithm to detect semantic HTML from designs.

Check it out
Homepage for Anima

Built using Python, React, Redux, TypeScript, MongoDB, OpenAI, Figma

Component Odyssey

Component Odyssey is a premium web component course I built and recorded. Component Odyssey teaches developers how to build and publish a component library that works in any framework.

Ask me about how I project managed the Component Odyssey platform.

Check it out
Homepage for Component Odyssey

Built using SvelteKit, Supabase, LemonSqueezy, Netlify


At HealthHero I was the lead frontend developer in charge of rewriting the booking management tool for our internal call center. I worked closely with the call center team to get continuous feedback through user calls, prototypes, and shadowing. I also ran the frontend guild which held bi-weekly sessions and covered topics including frontend design, web accessibility, and frontend testing. Sessions would be hosted by team members sharing their expertise and external experts.

Ask me about the accessibility workshops I ran for the frontend guild.

Check it out
Homepage for HealthHero

Built using React, TypeScript, Cypress, Storybook

Learn WCs

I was frustrated with how fragmented the free education around Web Components is so I built Learn WCs. Learn WCs is structured and curated roadmap that pulls in the best free resources to guide developers learning web components.

Ask me about how I improved the site for screen reader users.

Check it out
Homepage for Learn WCs

Built using HTML, CSS, Web Components, JavaScript, GSAP, Netlify

CSS Triggers

CSS Triggers is a rewrite of the original, and now-defunct, CSS Triggers website. This site describes which parts of the browser's rendering pipeline runs when a given CSS property changes. It's a very useful resource for writing performant CSS.

Ask me about how I created an animation queue to prevent animations from running simultaneously

Check it out
Homepage for CSS Triggers

Built using 11ty, JavaScript, Netlify, GSAP


Andricos2000 is a passion project where I built a web component library inspired by the design of the Windows 2000 operating system. I did it as both a homage to early interface design, and to become more familiar with building and publishing a component library. If you play around, you might spot a few easter eggs...

Ask me about how I created the workflow for building and publishing the component library

Check it out
Homepage for CSS Triggers

Built using HTML, Lit, CSS, Web Components

Cali Skills

Cali Skills is a full-stack web application designed to track a practitioner’s bodyweight fitness journey. It uses video game-style skill trees to make learning skills engaging and satisfying. I also built a sister mobile application, Handstand Journey, that focuses on learning the Handstand. Handstand Journey has over 100,000 downloads.

Ask me about how I migrated user’s progress from the browser’s local storage to a Postgres database

Check it out
Homepage for Cali Skills

Built using React, Postgres, Node, AWS, FastSpring, Auth0

Additional Work

I've also worked with the following organisations:


Instead of focusing on the tech I've used, I'd rather share my core principles

WebGL animation showing small white dots flowing in a loose grid pattern

I aim to build sites that everyone can use

WebGL animation showing multiple small cubes rotating in 3d space. Together forming a larger cube.

I start with a simple tech stack

WebGL animation showing vertical sine waves

I like to get a little weird with design

WebGL animation showing a perlin noise shader that converts the noise to ASCII characters

I tinker and experiment


Me from the chest up, in a jean jacker staring at the camera outside during the day

Need a developer to help get your ideas off the ground?

Want someone with strong frontend experience?

Looking for a mentor or a frontend consultant?

Whatever your project, reach out and tell me all about it
Andrico Karoulla Andrico Karoulla